lundi 5 février 2007

Notes:Review of the literature

Since the research proposal, I have been doing some deeper research in the literature and found out that there was too little information about the Burkina Faso part of my research. Therefore, I have chosen to rethink the angle used in my research paper and finally (if approved by the professor), my thesis statement will be: global warming is primarily due to human activities.

I have found plenty of scholarly articles and I have read most of them and here are the general notes I have taken:

Some of the greatest searchers in the world in the environmental field think that the global warming is due to greenhouse effect and CO2 emissions. In other words they say it is due to humn activities. (See

On the other hand, an inportant minority is claiming that the global warming had already started before any presence of massive CO2 emissions as we see nowadays. (See

I will have to finf out more about the "hockey stick" graph and other major publications like Al Gore's documentary.

I will give you an update soon on my notes of literature. Before I do, I will make sure my new "topic" is approuved. I still would like to make a quick link with my experience in Africa if possible.

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