lundi 16 avril 2007

Summary of my topic

The Geopolitical Debate between Canada and the United States over the Northwest Passage in the Arctic, Caused by Climate Changes

We all have observed changes in the weather conditions here in Quebec but also around the world. Christmas 2006 has been one without snow for most areas here in the province of Quebec and the first official snow storm has been registrated on January 15, 2007 (Le Devoir, 01/16/07). These observations brought me to ask myself in what way Canada is touched by this concern. Therefore, my researches led me to the Northwest Passage, a potential shipping route in the Arctic. If the ice keeps on melting at this speed, the navigation season could become longer and then it could be a strategic passage for vessels. Even if the Northwest Passage is on Canadian territory, the United States claim it should be considered as an international strait. My research paper will bring an original viewpoint on the issue by examining and analyzing the geopolitical debate itself and by giving both the Canadian and American arguments. By choosing this topic, I will provide my audience information on an issue that is getting a significantly increasing interest from the Canadian government and that will surely be brought to our attention by the media in the future.

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